
A really large amount of demos is available for KiRAT. You can find all of them as a developer/researcher in the dss_kirrat_config directory. For some seleted applications, however, we have prepared more detailed descriptions. You can find them below.

Available demos
Digital ocean This demo presents a simulated ocean environment ("digital ocean") for SONAR applications, encompassing multiple simulated acoustic targets such as ships, walls, mammals and bubbles. Each target is placed inside of a 3D environment, each having its own trajectory and frequency response to model backscatter behavior for reflections of acoustic waves.
Move­ment classi­fi­cation This demo shows an automated approach to classifying different types of human activity. The considered motions are sitting, standing, the acts of sitting down and standing up, walking, teethbrushing and picking something up from the ground.
Tremor analysis Data from different types of sensors are used for the classification of tremor (due to e.g. Parkinson's disease or essential tremor). Accelerometers are used to measure the acceleration of the hand tremor. Surface EMG electrodes are placed on the skin over the muscles under study to measure the action potential generated by different muscle fibers near the electrode.